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Address: Unit 515-517, Metal Box Factory, 30 Great Guilford Street, London SE1 0HS


Meet ACE, your
AI-powered electronics design assistant

Today, ACE helps electronics engineering teams to save time and resources by automatically selecting optimised components and suggesting candidate electronic schematic design options in seconds without errors.

Get Started

How it works

Input requirements
Functional Requirements
Functional blocks
Lower level requirements
Input & Output Signals
Non Functional
Cost, size, power
Availability requirements
Mechanical constraints
Candidate schematic
Bill of Materials
Deep verification checks
Form factor/Area analysis
Availability analysis
ECAD software native
layout files &libraries

Specify high level requirements

ACE enables you to specify requirements as a hardware architecture. Express your design intent by providing the details you care about, leaving ACE to figure everything else out. Our algorithms will add converters, choose components, add passives and more, to create the perfect circuit for your needs.

Optimise component selection

ACE enables you to generate multiple design options, trading off amongst size, cost, and power. ACE uses the latest procurement information to ensure availability and indicate sources for components on the BOM.

Generate design in seconds/minutes

At the click of a button, ACE generates a functional circuit from your high-level requirements, providing you with design options for you to explore and modify in seconds or minutes.

Verify design, ensuring no errors

ACE mathematically generates error-free designs. Additionally, the platform executes a series of independent rule checks on the circuit design to guarantee an errorless design.

Time to market
User experience
Request for quotes
& Feasibility studies

Without ACE

3 months - 2 years.
Limited ability to assess and balance all requirements to produce the ideal design.
Occur frequently, introducing delays and increasing risk.
Cumbersome, with engineers shuttling between distributor sites, datasheets, and ECAD tools.
Months stuck performing tedious, but necessary analysis like power, noise margin, FMEAs etc.
Finite pool of experts available to meet variable project needs.
Ever-changing and difficult to capture, amplifying project risk.
Requires extensive engineering work before customer commitment.

With ACE

Design completed first time right saving months
High quality designs selected from billions of options based on power, size, cost, reliability, EMI.
Fewer errors from mathematically correct designs and independent rule-based validation.
Intuitive interface allows engineers to specify what they care about and leave the rest to ACE.
Automatically generated analyses free up engineers for creative work.
Experts and generalist engineers can perform more designs.
Instant, agile design generation means changing requirements are not an issue.
Completed rapidly, without locking up key engineers.

Industries served

Avionics systems including sensors, displays, flight control systems.
Electronics control units, HMIs, connected devices, communication gateways.
Supporting design services for capturing new end customers.
Industrial Electronics
Industrial controllers, power supplies, logic boards, displays.
Consumer Electronics
Smart appliances, mobile phones, wearables, computers.
Smart home & Robotics
Thermostats, humidifiers, cameras, air purifiers, vacuum robots.

Trusted by innovative customers

How to start working with ACE

Schedule a free demo

Schedule time to speak with the Circuit Mind team. We'll demonstrate what ACE can do today and learn more about your business.

Define your requirements

Together we'll discuss the value you see from ACE today, and your requirements for the future.

Plan your start

We'll start providing your team access to our platform as required, and align your needs to our roadmap.

Arrange a demo